Tel: 0333 1887390

Bio Oil - Vegetable Oil Generators

A Bio Oil generator will allow you to generate power from vegetable oil and/or used cooking oil, meeting our economic needs to find alternative energy sources and to help the environment. They are cleaner, more autonomous and will run in all types of climates even extreme conditions of up to -34°C.

Why choose an HVB generator?

Autonomy savings

The option to use different vegetable oils to feed the same engine allows totally flexibility.

The use of vegetable oil does not contribute to global warming.

Prolonged generator life

Vegetable oils contain no lead or sulphur. They have a greater viscosity rate, which in turn means better lubrication and less wear on parts, leading to a longer generator life span.

Controlled environmental impact

The use of vegetable oil does not contribute to global warming.

Healthier solution for users

As vegetable oils  do not contain lead, benzene or sulphur this reduces considerably the presence of carcinogenic particles associated with running diesel engines.

Operational Principle

The HVB generator's use of diesel is reduced to the simple starting of the engine and to the rinsing of the ducts.

As soon as the engine runs, the coolant fluid transfers the heat to the exchangers of the bicarburation system. Which will allow the vegetable oil to heat up in order to reduce its viscosity and thus allow a perfect injection.

When the vegetable oil reaches the temperature of 65°C, a valve automatically switches to oil mode.

When the engine is switched off, an automatic system flush will reinject diesel in order to drain all the ducts and the injection system.


Bio Oil generator sets cover a power range from 10 to 2200kVA and can be used for :-

  • individual electricity production, for events or isolated sites
  • injection into the mains supply
  • combined with a CHP or hybrid solution, making it possible to combine the technologies for a clean energy source.

If you have any questions or are looking to purchase a HVB Generator contact us now.

For all enquiries or quotations call Tel: 0333 1887390

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