Tel: 0333 1887390
17 April 2023
Generators for Hospitals

Hospitals are one of the most critical infrastructures in our society, providing essential medical care and support to the sick and injured. It is imperative for hospitals to have a continuous and reliable power supply to ensure that medical equipment, facilities, and systems remain operational during power outages. This is where generators play a crucial […]

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5 March 2023
Oil storage regulations in the U.K

Oil Storage Regulations Oil storage is an important industry in the United Kingdom, and it is essential that proper regulations are in place to ensure the safe and responsible storage of oil. In the U.K, the storage of oil is regulated under the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001, which were introduced to […]

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2 February 2023
Backup Generators: Powering Your Business Through Interruptions

When it comes to keeping your business running smoothly, it’s important to have a plan in place for unexpected power interruptions. That’s where backup generators come in. These crucial devices provide an alternative source of power during outages, ensuring that your business can continue to operate even when the main power source fails. In this […]

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16 December 2022
Christmas Closure 2022

Christmas Closure 2022 We will be closing for Christmas on Friday 17th December 2022 at 5 pm and will re-open on Tuesday, 4th January 2023 at 8:30 am. If you have any emergency faults over the festive period, please continue to use the usual call logging procedure by contacting the number on your maintenance certificate. A […]

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