Tel: 0333 1887390

It's a scenario that many of us hope never happens, but occasionally, accidents occur, and the wrong fuel finds its way into a generator. Whether you manage a backup power system or are a homeowner with a portable generator, misfuelling can be a costly mistake. Follow These Steps and Contact Us Immediately.

1. Don't Start the Generator:

The moment you realise the wrong fuel has been added, do not attempt to start the generator. Starting the engine can circulate the wrong fuel and cause damage to the engine components.

2. Isolate the Generator:

If possible, disconnect the generator from the power source and any electrical loads. This minimises the risk of electrical damage during the recovery process.

3. Identify the Wrong Fuel:

Determine what type of fuel has been added incorrectly. Generators typically run on diesel, gasoline, or propane, so identifying the wrong fuel is crucial for the next steps.

4. Contact a Professional:

This is where professional assistance is essential. Reach out to a qualified technician or a generator service provider. Explain the situation and provide details about the wrong fuel added.

5. Drain the Fuel Tank:

Under the guidance of a professional, the fuel tank will need to be drained completely. The contaminated fuel should be disposed of properly according to environmental regulations.

6. Clean the Fuel System:

Once the fuel tank is empty, the fuel lines, filters, and the carburetor (if applicable) will need to be cleaned thoroughly. Any remaining traces of the wrong fuel must be removed.

7. Refill with the Correct Fuel:

After the fuel system is clean and free of contaminants, refill the tank with the correct fuel type (diesel, gasoline, or propane) as recommended by the manufacturer.

8. Test and Inspect:

With the correct fuel in place, your generator should be thoroughly tested and inspected to ensure it's functioning correctly. This includes checking for any damage or wear caused by the wrong fuel.

Preventing Misfuelling in the Future

To prevent future misfuelling incidents:

Mistakes happen, but when it comes to your generator, taking the wrong fuel seriously is crucial. Immediate action, professional assistance, and thorough cleaning are essential steps to minimise potential damage and restore your generator to working order. With the right approach, you can put the misfuelling mishap behind you and keep your backup power source ready for action when you need it most.

For all enquiries or quotations call Tel: 0333 1887390

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